Business Recovery Grant and Business Rates Relief – Storm Henk

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Funded by UK Government


The Government has announced details of a Business Recovery Grant (BRG) for businesses impacted by the recent flooding across the county.

Business Recovery Grant

The scheme will offer funding of £2,500 per eligible business premises within qualifying flooded areas to help support recovery in the aftermath of Storm Henk.

  • Be a small-to-medium sized business:
    • Have fewer than 250 employees; and
    • Have a turnover of less than 50m euros or a balance sheet total less than 43m euros
  • Be directly impacted by the relevant weather event - for instance flood damage to the property, equipment, and/or stock; or the business could not function due to a lack of access to premises, equipment and/or stock as a result of the recent weather events, and the flooding seriously impacted the business's ability to trade from the property
  • Empty properties, storage sheds and warehouses are not eligible, unless the business was actively trading from them at the time of the flooding
  • Have appropriate flood insurance cover in place or have actively made attempts to insure the business premises against flood damage on at least one occasion since 1 January 2023
  • Direct impact from Storm Babet: If a business experienced direct impact, such as flood damage to the property, and received a grant under Storm Babet and reinstated the premises, it is eligible to apply for funding related to Storm Henk. However, eligibility for Storm Henk funding is contingent upon the premises being directly impacted, specifically with flood damage to the property
  • Indirect Impact from Storm Babet: For businesses that were indirectly affected by Storm Babet and received a grant, they are eligible to apply for Storm Henk funding only if they have subsequently experienced direct impact with flood damage to the property

The following businesses will not be eligible:

  • Larger and local businesses which are part of a national chain are likely to ineligible due to not falling within the SME definition
  • Fully constituted businesses in liquidation, dissolved, struck off or subject to a striking-off notice
  • Eligible business premises do not include warehouses or sheds unless the business actively trades from the warehouse or shed
  • Where the business has made no efforts to seek appropriate insurance
  • Where the business has failed to take recommended measures following previous flooding
  • To fund routine business expenses/costs recoverable elsewhere
  • Public bodies with properties impacted by the flooding cannot be supported through this grant

Business Rate Relief

100% rate relief for a minimum of 3 months.

This is subject to the UK subsidy control regime, and is only available to properties with a rateable value of less than £10 million.

What we need from you

Before you start to complete the application form you will need the following information to hand:

  • Business Rates Bill to obtain your business rates reference number
  • Business Bank Statement dated within the last three months to upload. Where online banking is used screenshots can be used
  • Evidence of the impact of the flooding, which could include photos
  • To be eligible for the Business Recovery Grant, valid insurance document showing level of cover (property, contents, liability etc.) and any excess, or evidence of attempts to insure the business premises against flood damage on at least one occasion since 1 January 2023

Application Process

  • Your application will be cross-referenced with data secured on the extent and observed impact of the flooding in the district. When assessing the application, this will require the Council to liaise with other public bodies
  • On receipt of your application we will aim to review and respond within 10 working days. Where additional information is required from you this time window will freeze until the information is received to recommence the review
  • When you submit your application you will receive an automated email containing your application number. Please retain these details and quote when contacting the council about any queries
  • The Council will email you on the outcome of your application
  • Successful applicants will receive the payment in their bank account within 10 working days of the grant confirmation being received
  • For any further information or queries please email stating your name, business name, address and nature of your enquiry relating to the Business Recovery Grant
  • Businesses will automatically be considered for both the Business Rates Relief and the Business Recovery Grant so businesses do not need to contact us separately for each, but you may not be eligible for both

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